About Us
A History of "Richmond Classics"
Richmond Classics was born on April 1st 1988, a small store (1500 sq ft) over two floors situated in a secondary position just off Bournemouth square at 9 Richmond Hill, hence the origins of the name.
Now Celebrating our 33rd year trading, over the years we have built up a reputation as the destination for the innovative fashion conscious customers of the south of England and beyond.
Over time we have been featured in various fashion magazines; Arena, FHM and the iconic lads magazine Loaded - with our strap-line "Wear to look the dogs bollocks" (A slang term for the best) using our infamous Staffordshire bull terrier "spesh" in our adverting campaigns.

Award winning retailer.
Over the years we have been presented with various awards and accolades for our service, in store environment and innovation within the fashion industry.

Our proudest moment being recognised by the British clothing industry and recommended as one of three independent fashion retailers to be personally invited to Buckingham palace to meet her majesty the Queen and the duke of Edinburgh (where we exchanged a few fashion tips!)

We've also been featured in many articles and videos within industry including Drapers and Margin TV.
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There may be questions later to win Prizes !!!